Promote Cross-cultural Collaboration of Music Internationally

Musicus Fest 2024 – Family Concert: Marco Polo's Musical Encounter of East and West

  • Date & Time
    3 Nov 2024 (Sun) 7:30pm
  • Venue
    Concert Hall, Hong Kong City Hall
  • Ticket Price
    $340, $240, $140

    50% off: Senior citizens aged 60 or above, people with disabilities and their minder, full-time students and Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) recipients. Available on a first-come-first-served basis.

    Group Booking Discount for Each Concert: For each purchase of standard tickets to one performance, 10% off for 10 tickets or more.

    Musicus Fest Package Discount:
    - For each purchase of Musicus Fest 2024 concerts, 10% off for ticket(s) of any 2 concerts.
    - For each purchase of Musicus Fest 2024 concerts, 15% off for ticket(s) of any 3 concerts.
    - For each purchase of Musicus Fest 2024 concerts, 20% off for ticket(s) of any 4 concerts.
  • For ages 3 or above.
    Narration mainly in English.
    Duration of the concert is approximately 1 hour and 20 minutes, without intermission.
    Discount offers cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotional offers. Terms & Condition apply.
A wonderful interactive festive concert experience

Venice discovers China as the great adventurer Marco Polo returns to Italy, with a range of Chinese musical instruments gifted by the Emperor. Audiences meet the Venetians Pantalone, Arlecchino and Zazzà in the throes of preparing for the carnival and enjoy Chinese and Western instrument demonstrations by virtuoso musicians.   
This interactive concert, a huge hit with family audiences last year, showcases instruments and traditions from both East and West with its beguiling music. The plot is suffused with the spirit of the classic Italian commedia dell’arte, sure to delight children and adults alike. The story about cultural exchange becomes all the more fitting, with 2024 being the 700th anniversary of Marco Polo’s passing. 
Put on your mask and prepare to take part in this exciting Venetian Carnival! 

 Date & Time  3 Nov 2024 (Sun) 7:30pm
 Venue  Concert Hall, Hong Kong City Hall


Musicus Society is financially supported by the Art Development Matching Grants Scheme of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

The presenter reserves the rights to change the program and substitute artists should unavoidable circumstances make it necessary. The content of this programme does not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
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